Growing up…
When love isn’t any more about just staying together
but changing the course of everything good to better
and respecting each other for their real intentions
and all the causes that they support for,
then you know that you are growing up.
When the idea of colossal friends isn’t flashy
but only the bonafide essentials that you need
because few turn into chameleon under same roof
and you couldn’t help but smile at them
then you know that you are growing up.
When race isn’t against time anymore
but across quality, purpose and desires
because you confront your responsibilities head on
leaving behind those that you once cared for
then you know that you are growing up.
When life isn’t just about enjoying weekends
but to make every second of your life count
and ensuring to prioritize relationships over possessions
because they would stay as long selflessly
then you know you are growing up.